Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Calvin - 4 Months(ish)

Calvin is 4 months! And quite the little charmer. He is doing great. He smiles and laughs, which is the best part of my day. He recently rolled over from front to back! And was shocked that he did it! I'm trying to capture it on video but, of course, he doesn't do tricks on command. He is interested in everything and everyone around him. His main goal seems to be to put everything nearby in his mouth. He has also learned to pinch and grab hair, which is not my favorite part of the day! He sleeps through the night occasionally but usually gets up at least once just to hang out. Last night he slept from 9:30-7:00! Hooray. And he is taking his morning nap on my lap so I have two hands to type this post. It's a banner day in the Foss house! And Hobbes is sleeping at my feet. Obviously, this month was halloween. Calvin was a sailor during the day and Max from Where The Wild Things Are at night. My mom made his wolf costume and he was adorable in it! Oh and in other news, he totally loves his Buster! No, he does. He just hasn't learned to express that yet.

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