Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa Baby (literally)

Santa is here!!!

Santa suit and stockings arrived from the North Pole (Hot Springs) yesterday. We are looking forward to a very merry Christmas and hope you all have the same! :-)
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It's Christmas Time!!!

Our Christmas photo shoot (by artist Stancie Foss) down on the beach. Does it look warm and sunny? It wasn't. It was freezing! But the whole family did a good job. Hobbes is the best poser of the lot. You hate to see us leave but you love to watch us walk away!

Please take a moment to analyze the photo below. It is a priceless photo... And no we did not teach them to do that on command. I wish.

And there you have it. The first Foss family photo session!

5 Months (ish)

The little man is 5 months old! It's hard to believe. He is still practically perfect in every way. He loves his mobile, toys, people, and anything he can grab and put in his mouth. He'll start his eating adventure soon but for now he is still a boob man! If you put him in a sitting position (good luck getting him to bend in the middle...he'd prefer to stand, thank you very much) he can sit pretty well on his own. He rests on his elbows in a crunch position so he's going to have a baby six-pack soon. He still smiles and laughs and is a total charmer. Oh and he has taken up drumming.
One day Taylor came home early and offered to watch the baby. I found them like this. Toby was keeping a close eye on the nappers.
Take that Bjorn! We found that little shop "ikea" where your parents got your bedspread and now we have one too!
Still a lot of this going on...

Thanksgiving 09!

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More 4 month pics!

Calvin - 4 Months(ish)

Calvin is 4 months! And quite the little charmer. He is doing great. He smiles and laughs, which is the best part of my day. He recently rolled over from front to back! And was shocked that he did it! I'm trying to capture it on video but, of course, he doesn't do tricks on command. He is interested in everything and everyone around him. His main goal seems to be to put everything nearby in his mouth. He has also learned to pinch and grab hair, which is not my favorite part of the day! He sleeps through the night occasionally but usually gets up at least once just to hang out. Last night he slept from 9:30-7:00! Hooray. And he is taking his morning nap on my lap so I have two hands to type this post. It's a banner day in the Foss house! And Hobbes is sleeping at my feet. Obviously, this month was halloween. Calvin was a sailor during the day and Max from Where The Wild Things Are at night. My mom made his wolf costume and he was adorable in it! Oh and in other news, he totally loves his Buster! No, he does. He just hasn't learned to express that yet.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

3 Months(ish)

At 3 months, Calvin loves standing (with help of course), loves watching his mobile, and loves people. He smiles and laughs which is probably the most wonderful thing ever! He sleeps through the night (maybe that's the most wonderful thing ever?) and naps during the day. He weighs 14lbs as of the last visit to the doc. He is just soooo cute!!!